
Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Kinder Kiddos

Dear Families, I am a better teacher than I am a photographer! I thought you might enjoy seeing pictures of your sweeties. I know I do. Love, Mrs. C.
maytelou's 2013-14 Kinder Kids album on Photobucket

Sunday, August 25, 2013

Curriculum Connections This Week

Dear Families,

Staggered start is over! 
We can now begin our journey as a full class.
Our direction for each area of study will be:

Speaking and Listening:
How do I speak and listen to others?   SL.K.1a

How do I print uppercase and lowercase letters?  L.K.1a

How can I show and count 1 and 2 with objects?  K.CC.2.4a

How do we learn about science?  SC.K.N.1.1

Social Studies:
Why do we have rules at home and at school?  SS.K.C.1.1

We will be working on foundational skills such as recognizing and naming all letters of the alphabet and demonstrate one-to-one letter sound correspondence.

We will be very busy this week.  We are ready to go!

Mrs. C.

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Bucket Fillers

Hello Families,

Rymfire has embraced a bully prevention program called Bucket Fillers.
Students fill their invisible buckets with good thoughts and feelings.
If a student is choosing to be mean, we teach the children to "use their lid" to avoid someone "dipping in their bucket".  This program encourages positive behavior.  Children see how very easy and rewarding it is to express kindness, appreciation and love on a daily basis. 
We will be reading our book on Thursday as it will be the first day we are all together.
The children earn "Bucket Bucks" when they are caught demonstrating traits of being a bucket filler.  The bucket bucks are collected and drawn during lunch every other Friday by an administrator.  If your child's ticket is pulled, he/she wins a prize of their choice.
I feel the Kangaroo Pouch System we use compliments the school-wide initiative to create an atmosphere of caring perfectly.
It is all about choice.
Please count on me to be an extension of the labor of love you have begun with your child in guiding toward good choices and positive behavior.

Mrs. Caronna

Saturday, August 17, 2013

The Kissing Hand

Dear Families,

We will be reading "The Kissing Hand" on your child's first day of school. 
This book is wonderful in helping allay the anxiety a child and or parent may feel being separated the first day of school.
In the story, the mother raccoon kisses her nervous child on the hand so he can always hold on to her kiss.
If you have a moment, I would like for you to do the following the night before or morning of the first day of school:

Kiss your child's hand.
Say, "Now you will always have part of me with you.
My kiss will not wash off.
Anytime you need a kiss from me,
just hold your hand to your cheek.
I love you!"


Be on the look out for a surprise that will be coming home to you on your child's first day...

Mrs. C.

Friday, August 16, 2013

Morning Routine

Hello Families,
My little first grader is sleeping soundly (thank goodness), so I thought I would take a minute to write.
First day of school tomorrow! 
I wanted to give you a sneak preview of what the children will do as they enter the classroom everyday.

Please put your book bag in your cubby.
Please place your binder in the green cube.
Please get two pencils.

Please sign in.
Please begin your morning work.

I know it will take a while before things are running smoothly.
Will you help me reinforce this routine with the children?

Have a restful evening, tomorrow is a big day.
Mrs. Caronna

Caring Classroom

Dear Families,

One of my goals is to make the class operate as a FAMILY, where care, consideration and encouragement are given high priority.

My hope is to create a classroom community where each child feels secure, nurtured and supported by their environment.  What better way to demonstrate everyone is welcome in our room than to have family photos displayed (honorable mention:  my dear, sweet and missed Malissa). 
I believe the children will delight in finding their photos around the room as well as delight in learning about their new friends and family.

I am requesting you send in a 3 x 5 framed photograph of your child with the family during the first two weeks of school.

Mrs. Caronna

Rymfire PTO

Dear Families,

I would like to invite you to consider joining the PTO.
Our parent teacher organization is OUTSTANDING!!
They are dedicated to supporting the teachers of our school and your children through their tireless efforts.
Some upcoming events include:
  • Ice Cream Social
  • Box Tops Competition ($4,000 of $12,000 PTO raised last year came from Box Tops--start clipping!!)
  • Mother-Son Dance
Please visit their website at:

Thank you,
Mrs. Caronna