
Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Place of the way

Hello Families,
In Japanese, the word "dojo" means place of the way.  Yesterday, I began to use Class Dojo as an additional behavior management tool.  Our classroom will be the place of the positive way in rewarding adherence to our classroom expectations.  As a reminder, they are:

Conversely, if the children are not choosing to follow our classroom expectations, points will be deducted for behaviors such as:
  • Bullying
  • Disrespect
  • Off task
  • Not seated
  • Talking out of turn
The rewards are very fun!!!!

  • 3-5 points:  2 Bucket Bucks
  • 5-7 points:  Positive Parent Call Home

For children who earn 7-10 points, they can enjoy one of these rewards:

The Class Dojo software even has reports that can be generated that would show you how the points were allocated (or deducted).  I will work on parent access after we get past Open House and Progress Reports.

I am excited!

Mrs. Caronna


JLC said...

Brenna was telling me about this. She is looking forward to getting a stinky feet pass.

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