
Tuesday, October 1, 2013

App-lying the scientific method

Hello, Families!

Much of what I employ in the classroom is the brain child of someone else. 
Our apple science experiment helped us explore the scientific method.
All credit goes to Deanna Jump, teacher, blogger extraordinaire for these kid friendly posters:

I explained to the children simply:

  • Scientists observe (look)
  • Scientists ask a question
  • Scientists make a guess
  • Scientists do an experiment
  • Scientists record data
  • Scientists come to a conclusion 
Our initial question which shaped our experiment is what will happen to the apple slices if we add lemon juice?
We took two apple slices and placed them each in a bowl.  With our droppers, we poured lemon juice over one apple slice and left the other apple slice without lemon juice.  We had absolutely no idea what would happen so we went on to the experiment stage:

We worked on recording our data by drawing before and after pictures of our apples.
We came to the conclusion that some of the apples turned brown and others didn't.
Our young scientists are not daunted, we have a new experiment using the scientific method coming soon...

Mrs. C.

Fall-ing into Fun

Dear Families,

I like to keep you informed of the exciting academic happenings during our day as best I can.

But, I know what some of you are thinking....
"C'mon, lady!  Tell us about what you will do for the fall party!"

I won't let you down on keeping the information flowing.

Get your kiddies costumes ready!

The children will be celebrating fall by wearing their costumes to school and having a classroom celebration.

Please have your child wear his or her costume to school on Thursday, October 31st.  We will be having a parade around the school to show off our costumes.  We encourage children to come dressed as storybook characters.  Costumes that depict violence, blood or gore are not permitted.  No face paint, masks or props will be allowed.

I strongly recommend that the children wear clothes underneath their costumes.  
This day, after all, is still a day of instruction (I'll let you know how that goes, nyuk, nyuk!).

If you would like to photograph your child, please stop by!
The best time will be from 8:45 - 9:00 as there will not be another opportunity during the day to do so.

Promises to be a fun day :-)

Mrs. C.